The philosophy of a tester : Prelude
Prelude (The reason for this)
For a couple of years I have had the idea that the practice of quality in software development sometimes ends up being more than processes and tools, a political stance, and as such that responds to a certain philosophy. Without going into what that philosophy is, I always found myself having to defend decisions and positions with arguments that go beyond the technical, because in the end the product or computer service depends on the social use that is given to it.
Although I plan to leave for another chapter the issue of whether the use of what we build is what really gives entity to what we build or already has it once created. I wanted to put on record and give an idea of where I am going with this verbiage.
This is nothing more than to give shape to our daily practice, to give meaning to the form and above all to find in these words the strength to continue with the same energy with which I started this profession.
Without further ado, I consider this path to have begun, you are more than invited to walk it with me.